Year: 2014
Location: Venice, Italy
Team: Guvenc Ozel
A digital intervention as a curatorial performance act,Project Source Code “hacked” the Venice Architecture Biennale 2014 through Augmented Reality. By covertly overlaying a guerilla-style digital exhibition on the existing Biennale exhibition “Elements of Architecture”, which could only be viewed on mobile devices through a customized app, digital information is embedded into physical space by using the existing exhibition pieces as “trackers” that call out 3D models of selected projects. The selection in this digital exhibition includes 6 seminal works from contemporary architects and designers particularly known for their use of digital design techniques, including Asymptote Architecture, Greg Lynn FORM, Neil M. Denari Architects and Oosterhuis_Lénárd. The exhibition team acquired the featured digital models directly from the designers that agreed to participate in his digital exhibition. It is the first time an architecture exhibition is being “hacked” through augmented reality, where digital and physical space is combined and blurred, and also the first time that raw 3D models of architecture projects are exchanged as art objects and treated as exhibition pieces. An accompanying critical essay regarding the background and theoretical foundations of the intervention was also published on the project’s native website.